Getting Comfortable With The Basics


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Two-Factor Authentication Isn’t Invincible: That’s Why You Need a Backup Gmail Account

Two-Factor Authentication Isn’t Invincible: That’s Why You Need a Backup Gmail Account – By Timothy Jacob Hudson How-To Geek
Google’s 2.5 billion registered users make Gmail a big target for hackers, and hackers always working on new ways to bypass your security—even two-factor authentication isn’t invulnerable now. That’s why you should consider opening a second Gmail account.

Things I love about Proton Mail that Gmail lacks

7 things I love about Proton Mail that Gmail lacks – By Parth Shah Android Police
When it comes to email, most users often settle for the familiar Gmail. However, Google’s solution isn’t the only way to communicate with others. Thanks to its robust features, a strong focus on privacy, and a refreshing user interface, Proton Mail has been gaining traction among many; not too long ago, I took Proton Mail for a spin and came away impressed.

Things You Can Do to Keep Your Email Inbox Free of Spam

9 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Email Inbox Free of Spam – By Shan Abdul How-To Geek
Spam not only buries important emails but also increases the risk of accidentally engaging with a malicious message, which could compromise your email. Thankfully, most email providers offer tools to manage unwanted messages. Here are some practical steps to reduce spam.

Gmail features every power user should know

7 hidden Gmail features every power user should know – By Prarthana Gopal Android Police
Users worldwide rely on Gmail to communicate. Whether you use Gmail on your phone, laptop, PC, or an affordable Chromebook, there’s more to this email service than meets the eye. From generative AI capabilities that boost your productivity to privacy tools that keep your communication confidential, Gmail offers several useful features. Here are seven not-so-obvious features you should know to make the most of this email service.

Gmail Storage Full? 7 Quick Ways to Free Up Space

Gmail Storage Full? 7 Quick Ways to Free Up Space – by TechPP
When you create a Gmail account, you get 15GB of free cloud storage. However, this storage is shared across all Google services, such as Photos, Drive, and others. If you use these other Google apps and services, there is a high chance you might run out of storage easily. Recently, I received a notification that my Gmail storage space was running out on the primary email account.

Why Gmail is our go-to email client

10 reasons why Gmail is our go-to email client – By Nathaniel Wilkins Android Police
In 2004, Google launched Gmail into a webmail landscape that was already crowded with major players such as Microsoft, Yahoo! and AOL. In characteristic fashion, Google took a disruptive approach by offering appealing features such as a cleaner user interface, threaded conversations, integration with other Google products, and 1GB of free storage, which was unheard of at the time.

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