Most people still rely on memory or pen and paper for password managemen
Most people still rely on memory or pen and paper for password management – By Help Net Security
Bitwarden surveyed 2,400 individuals from the US, UK, Australia, France, Germany, and Japan to investigate current user password practices.
How long does data last on a USB flash drive?
How long does data last on a USB flash drive? – By Friedrich Stiemer PCWorld
The lifespan of data on a USB flash drive depends on many factors: Under ideal conditions, data should remain preserved on a high-quality USB stick for at least 10 years or even longer. But what exactly does that mean and under what conditions does this hold true?
Virtual Credit Cards Can Protect
Here’s How Virtual Credit Cards Can Protect You When Shopping Online – By Tim Brookes How-To Geek
If you’ve ever had your credit card or debit card details compromised you’ll be well aware of what a hassle it can be. Virtual credit and debit cards can help you avoid financial headaches and your accounts getting locked down by hiding your real card number.
– What’s the fastest web browser for Windows in 2023?
What’s the fastest web browser for Windows in 2023? – by digitalcitizen
There are so many web browsers you can try and use that their sheer number might feel overwhelming. So, if you’re trying to find the best web browser in 2023, we thought it would be a good idea to check out the most popular ones for you.
6 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Wi-Fi Router
6 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Wi-Fi Router – By How-To Geek How-To Geek
If your Wi-Fi router is five years old or older, can’t handle your full internet connection, drops devices off your network, or requires you to frequently reboot it, then it’s time for an upgrade.
How Attackers Bypass Two-factor Authentication
How Attackers Bypass Two-factor Authentication (2FA) – By deceiving the user
Usernames and passwords – this combination represented the go-to method of authenticating users for multiple decades. However, as time passed, it has become increasingly evident that relying solely on two words to safeguard personal data is not without its devastating risks. Consequently, countless platforms continue turning to more complex authentication methods to increase their users’ safety.
How to Choose the Right Password Manager for You
How to Choose the Right Password Manager for You – By Jay Vrijenhoek
Companies and websites are being hacked all the time these days. Big news at first, but now it happens so often it’s brushed off by most with an “meh, another one,” without reading the story. Keeping up with these stories, specially if it’s a company, service or website you use, is worth the time though as a hack doesn’t necessarily mean your details were exposed.
Use these model codes to find the best Chromebook
Use these model codes to find the best Chromebook – By Kevin C. Tofel
If you’re new to Chromebooks, you might not know how to find the best Chromebook for your needs. And because I don’t know your needs, I can’t tell you what the best Chromebook actually is. However, I can steer you in the right direction. Once you figure out how you plan to use the device, these model codes can help you narrow down and find the best Chromebook for you.
Is It Bad to Sleep Next to Your Phone?
Is It Bad to Sleep Next to Your Phone? – By How-To Geek How-To Geek
Many people use their phone until the moment of falling asleep, then it’s literally in bed with them—or charging nearby—all night. Using your phone before bed is already not great, but is the close proximity bad too?
6 Reasons You Should Buy a Mac Instead of a Windows PC
6 Reasons You Should Buy a Mac Instead of a Windows PC – By How-To Geek How-To Geek
Do you like the look of a MacBook but aren’t sure if it’s the right move for you? Would an iMac or Mac mini slot into your home office, but you aren’t sure you can commit? Let’s take a look at some of the arguments for choosing a Mac over a Windows PC.
Two Steps to Better Search Results
Two Steps to Better Search Results – By Ask Leo! YouTube
How Many Websites Are on the Internet?
How Many Websites Are on the Internet? – By How-To Geek How-To Geek
To say the internet is “big” would be a massive understatement. It’s become the central place where an incredible amount of activity occurs. Most of that activity is happening on websites, so just how many are there?
What Internet Speeds Do You Really Need?
What Internet Speeds Do You Really Need? – By Review Geek Review Geek
Businesses thrive by selling people things they don’t need, and if you have an internet connection, there’s a good chance your provider has tried to upsell you a high-tech-sounding package. But is it something that can make a difference in your life, or will you just be wasting money?
What’s a Batch File?
What’s a Batch File? – By Ask Leo! YouTube