Senior Tech Group

Getting Comfortable With The Basics

Pepper for your password

Pepper for your password –
Not all password manager entries are created equal. I have entries in my vault that are for LAN-based services (such as Portainer, Invoiceplane, Antsle, and more) that really do not require that much security. Why? Because they are on my LAN and only accessible from within my network. I have other entries that do require considerably more care, such as bank accounts, credit cards, and more.

Should You Use Google Password Manager?

Should You Use Google Password Manager? – by Ghacks
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to creating a password, I like for it to be strong, secure, and unique. For years I used the same password for everything to avoid forgetting it. As tempting as it may be to use the same password for all your apps, you’re always advised to have different passwords for the different apps on your devices. This is where Google password manager comes in.

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