Getting Comfortable With The Basics

Windows 10 Quick Assist Help

Get Remote Help Troubleshooting Your Windows PC Without Any Extra Software

Windows 10’s new “Quick Assist” feature is probably the easiest way to get up and running, so as long as both are using Windows 10 with the Anniversary Update installed, this is a great option.

What you need to do to allow us to connect to your Windows 10 computer

Open the Quick Assist application on your PC. 

  1. Open the Start menu, by clicking the windows icon and type “Quick Assist” into the search box, and click to launch the "Quick Assist Desktop app" that appears. 
    • Or, navigate to Start > Windows Accessories > Quick Assist. (see Item 1 below)
  2. In the “Get Assistance” area enter the code I give you on the phone in the "Code from assistant" box. (see Item 2 or 3 below)
  3. You will then see a confirmation prompt, and you'll have to agree to give me access.

You’re Now Connected

It may take a few minutes before the devices connect, so you may have to be patient.

When connected I'll see your desktop and have full access to your computer as if I were sitting in front of it. I can troubleshoot your computer, change settings, check for malware, install software. I'll be able to talk you through operations on your computer, see how you move your mouse and what you type,

You can still look at your desktop as I use it, so you can see whatever I am doing and follow along. I'll be able to draw annotations on the screen to help communicate instructions with you.

At any time, either person can end the connection simply by closing the application from the “Quick Assist” bar at the top of the screen. 


Item 1​

Item 2
Item 3


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