Getting Comfortable With The Basics


6 things I wish someone told me before I signed up for a password manager

6 things I wish someone told me before I signed up for a password manager – By Karthik Iyer XDA Developers
Yes, I’m here to tell you with a straight face that I’ve never used a password manager before. It’s not like I’ve never considered signing up for one. I keep getting lured into trying different options, but a part of me always feels itchy putting all the eggs in one basket, especially when data breaches constantly remind us how that might be a bad idea.

Use these model codes to find the best Chromebook

Use these model codes to find the best Chromebook – By Kevin C. Tofel
If you’re new to Chromebooks, you might not know how to find the best Chromebook for your needs. And because I don’t know your needs, I can’t tell you what the best Chromebook actually is. However, I can steer you in the right direction. Once you figure out how you plan to use the device, these model codes can help you narrow down and find the best Chromebook for you.

Identity Thieves View Credit Reportscurity

Identity Thieves Bypassed Experian Security to View Credit Reports – by briankrebs
Identity thieves have been exploiting a glaring security weakness in the website of Experian, one of the big three consumer credit reporting bureaus. Normally, Experian requires that those seeking a copy of their credit report successfully answer several multiple choice questions about their financial history.

Chromecast with Google TV Review 2021

Chromecast with Google TV Review 2021: Is It Worth It? –
Chromecast with Google TV is the updated streaming device that replaces the original Chromecast, with this new model being released Sept. 2020. It’s a dongle that plugs into your TV’s HDMI port and delivers HDR10, HDR10+, 4K and Dolby Vision HDR, and Dolby Atmos sound. It’s capable of streaming all the popular content you might want, including Apple TV+.

How Secure is Google Drive in 2021

How Secure is Google Drive in 2021? Answers & Tips for Online File Storage – By Josh Summers
Is Google Drive secure? When it comes to Google, which is a company that profits off of user data, it’s natural to have privacy concerns. This is especially true when you consider storing sensitive personal or company documents. So how secure is Google Drive in 2021? And is it possible to encrypt documents there?

– Using Google Chrome’s built-in notepad

Chrome tip: How to access Google Chrome’s hidden built-in notepad – By John F

Every once in a while, I need quick access to a simple notepad on my Chromebook. There are a ton of reasons why anyone might need one, but luckily, Chrome already has a built-in notepad ready for you to use, with no need to install other web apps or extensions – you just need to know what to do in order to access it.

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